Yahoo Answers 0wner - Just Register To Get It
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About the program

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About the program Empty About the program

Post  Marsh8472 Fri Jan 08, 2010 2:02 am

I tried to find a program like this but when I couldn't find one I decided to make it myself. I called it yahoo answers 0wner because I previously made a similar program called yahoo games 0wner which allowed people to cheat in yahoo games, became an internet hit, and the whole layout looks almost the same as well. Here is more information about the program:

Yahoo Answers 0wner 1.0

About the program Ya0word


- It loads as many accounts as you want and then it can have each one reach their daily voting and answering limit in minutes
- have all bots vote for your answer
- all give you (or someone else) a thumbs up or thumbs down
- can all give a star to a question.
- Normally once you create a yahoo account you have to go to yahoo answers and set up the yahoo answer profile before you can use it. There's an option in the program to run through your bots and set them up for you.
- The ability to have bots create their own questions and automatically have another bot answer it later and chosen as the best answer by the asking bot.
-An option to change each bots username and privacy options of each bot so people can't go snooping through the bots profile if they suspect the account is a bot.

Descriptions / How To Use

File -> Load Bots

Used to load the bots into the program. This must be done before you are able to use the program. A bot file is a .txt file that contains a list of yahoo accounts and their passwords. The program accepts a wide variety of bot formats. Here are some examples:

botname, password
botname, password
botname, password




botname - password
botname - password
botname - password



These are common formats created by most botmakers. A botmaker is a program that will create yahoo accounts quickly for you. They can be found online if you look around for them. You can also create the yahoo accounts manually one at a time through the yahoo website but this will take alittle longer.

"Set Up Accounts" button

When a yahoo account goes to yahoo answers for the first time, they make you fill out a profile before being allowed to use yahoo answers. Instead of having to log into each account one by one and setting up their profiles, this button will run through the botlist and set them up for you.

"Vote" button in the Boosting Frame

This will continuously grab 20 questions at a time and vote on each one until the daily limit for voting is reached. (1 Point Per Vote)

"Answer" button in the Boosting Frame

This will continuously grab 20 questions at a time and answer each one with the answer specified as what you put in the answer textbox. It's set to "I'm not sure, could you be more specific?" by default otherwise. WARNING: This option is pure spam and has the highest chance to get your accounts reported and suspended. (2 Points Per Answer)

"Thumbs Up" and "Thumbs Down" buttons

Once accounts reach Level 2 status (at 250 points) they are allowed to rate people's answers with a thumbs up or a thumbs down. This can be useful if someone gives you a thumbs down on one of your answers and you want to get even and give them X number of thumbs down in return. Also when your answer is chosen as the best you can give this answer thumbs up and get a point for each thumbs up you give yourself.

To give a thumbs up or thumbs down to an answer, go to the page that shows the answer. Copy the link where the page is located and paste it in the URL textbox. Then press the "thumbs up" or "thumbs down" button. At this point a dropdown box will begin blinking. Select the answer from the dropdown box that you wish to rate, then press the "OK" button.

"Vote" button

Usually in order to have your answer selected as the best answer you must have the most votes for your answer. This option allows you to have all your bots vote for you. To have all your bots vote for an answer, go to the page that shows the answer. Copy the link where the page is located and paste it in the URL textbox. Then press the "Vote" button. At this point a dropdown box will begin blinking. Select the answer from the dropdown box that you wish to rate, then press the "OK" button.

"Answer" button

I don't see much of a point to this button except to cause trouble on a question. This option will have all your bots post an answer on a single question. This creates the effect of having the question flooded with nonsense. It will most likely get your accounts reported and suspended but can be used as an attack on someone's question in the mean time.

To have all bots answer a specific question, first go to the page that shows the question. Copy the link where the page is located and paste it in the URL textbox. Then press the "Answer" button.

Random Character Options

To put random letters or numbers in your answer by default each "#" will appear as a random number between 0 and 9, each "%" will appear as a random lower case letter from a-z, each "^" will appear as a random upper case letter from A-Z, and each "~" will appear as a 1 or a 0. These characters can be changed by clicking on them in the randomization option area.
"#########hey what's up##########" will appear something like
"835729483hey what's up9054827239"

"Star" button

A star is given to a question that is found interesting by a user. The total number of stars given to a user is shown in their profile. This option allows you to have all your bots give a question a star.

To use this option, first go to the page that shows the question. Copy the link where the page is located and paste it in the URL textbox. Then press the "Star" button. This option toggles the star for any question meaning that if the bot has already given the star to this question before it will remove the star if used again on the same question.

"OK" button

This button is used with "Thumbs Up", "Thumbs Down", "Vote", and "QA" options.

"Change Profiles" button

By default, yahoo answers account profiles show all of the questions you have asked and all of the questions you have answered. This can make it easy for any user to see the types of questions and answers you are posting and give them a reason to report you for it especially if you're spamming. This option allows you to make all of this information private for each bot.

When creating yahoo accounts with bot makers often times the user information is random gibberish. This can make it easy to see that your account is a bot. This option also allows you to change the username of each bot. So instead of having a name that looks something like "ijrksdfasdfiurw" next to each of your answers you can have something like "Jack" or "Bob".

To use this option press the "Change Profiles" button. At this time, another window open up showing 2 buttons: a "Load Username List" button and a "Make Accounts Private" button.

If you wish to change the usernames of each of your bots you must have the "Change Username" checkbox marked and then load a username file by presing the "Load username List". A username file is a .txt file that has a list of common names in it. The format for the username file is one username per line. Here is an example of what a username file would look like:


The program will cycle through each name on this list and make it a username for each bot. At this point you can press the "Make Accounts Private" and the program will run through your bots and make their information private to the public and change the username of each if you have that option selected.

"Q/A" button

This button is probably the most powerful in terms of getting points quickly. It is the only option capable of boosting a bot to level 2 status in a few hours. Usually after about 4 hours of asking a question the user who asked the question can choose an answer as the best answer.

This option can have one of your bots ask questions and another bot answer them. Afterward the program makes a schedule to choose that bots answer as the best answer later. You should see these schedules appear in a listbox as they are made.

To use this option first press the "Q/A" button. Next you will be prompted for the question bot, answer bot, and question/answer list.

The question bot is the bot that will ask the questions. Keep in mind that each time a bot asks a question it has 5 points deducted from its point total (although it gets 3 points back for each answer it picks as the best answer later). To select the question bot click on the blinking drop down menu labeled "Question Bot" and then select the bot you wish to ask the questions.

The answer bot is the bot that will answer the questions. Each time a bot answers a question it will be given 2 points (in addition to the 10 points it will get later once its answer is chosen as the best one). To select the answer bot click on the blinking drop down menu labeled "Answer Bot" and then select the bot you wish to answer the questions.

Next you need a question/answer list. To load a question list first click on "File" at the top and then "Load Question/Answer List". A question/answer list is a .txt file that contains a question and an answer to that question. Each question and answer is seperated by a line. The more questions you have the more variety of questions your bots will ask and the less likely you will be caught by someone for cheating. A question/answer list file looks like this:

What's the best things to do on your birthday?
I party a lot and get drunk lol
Is Pluto a Planet?
Not anymore, it got demoted a while back.
How many known chemical elements are there?
As of 2006, there are 117 known elements.
How do you get to paintbrush in Windows XP?
Click start, then go to run, and type mspaint
How do you get to the windows calculator in Windows XP?
Click start, then go to run, and type calc
How do you get to command prompt in Windows XP?
Click start, then go to run, and type cmd
What would you do with a million dollars?
Donate it to the red cross.
What is PI in math?
The ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter.
What's your favorite kind of soda?
I like Dr. Pepper
What do you think of presidental elections?
They suck, so many people are voting that even if you and everyone you've ever met in your life voted the way you wanted the odds of it affecting the outcome are astronomical
How many eggs should I cook in the morning where I won't have to worry about gaining weight?
2 or 3 should be fine
How long should I cook microwave popcorn?
ohh about 3 or 3:30 minutes and listen for when the pops are more than a few seconds apart
How can I prevent my computer from turning off in a power outage?
get something called a UPS, it's a backup power supply that will provide it power during an outage
If you were to remove one letter from the alphabet what would it be?
the y because it's sometimes considered a vowel and sometimes not so it's kind of confusing plus I hate when people ask me the question "y?"
What do you do on new years?
I usually hang out with my friends and get drunk and watch the ball drop in time square
If you could move to any state what would it be?
Florida, it's nice and warm there.
Which country would you least like to live in and why?
North Korea cus they deny people too many basic rights
What's your favorite website?
I think [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
What's the highest number you've counted to?
I counted to 50,000 once
How old is the oldest person you know?
My great gramma is 103 years old

The question must be between 20 and 110 characters long. If it is too short the program will add question marks to the end of the question until it meets the length requirement. If the question is too long the program will cut it off at 110 characters.

Once the question bot, answer bot, and question/answer list are loaded, you can press the "OK" button. At this time, the program will continue to ask and answer questions until it reaches its daily limit. As its asking/answering questions schedules will populate in a listbox.

When the "Q/A" option finishes, the schedule can be ran later to choose the best answer. The option to choose the best answer appears to the asker about 4 hours after the question is asked. You have from 4 hours after the question is asked until 2 days after the question is asked to run the schedule. The schedules are automatically saved and will reappear if the program is closed so no need to leave the program open this entire time. Any detail of a particular scheduled event can be seen by clicking on the schedule in the listbox. Information about the schedule will appear below the listbox.

"Remove" and "Remove All" buttons

Occasionally a question will present a problem and cannot be run. The remove button can remove any schedules you do not wish to run. To use this option, click on a schedule you wish to remove and then press the "Remove" button. If you wish to clear all the schedules from memory then select the "Remove All" button.

What NOT To Do

This program was written with a control that shares cookies with internet explorer. In order for the program to work correctly it's important that you do not logout or login another account from internet explorer while it is doing something with your bots. I personally use a firefox browser while it is running so that I don't interfer with cookies of internet explorer.

I tried to make the program so that it could not do more than one activity at a time. If you see a way to push multiple buttons at once feel free to let me know but if you attempt to use more than one option at once the program will work correctly at what you are trying to make it do.

If you value your yahoo answers account then use this program with caution. I managed to get one of my accounts up to 3500 points but I became reckless and bold and got my account suspended. The safest option to use to get points is the "vote" button since it looks normally enough to the users.

How The Point System Works

This information can be found at [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

I noticed they kind of lie about some of the score limitations. For example where it says I can vote only 20 times per account I was able to vote 33 and where it says I can only ask 5 questions a day per account I can ask 6 or 7. But what they have listed is an approximation of the limitations they have.

Level Points Questions Answers Comments Stars Ratings Votes
7 25,000+ * unlimited * 100 unlimited 100
6 10,000 - 24,999 * unlimited * 100 unlimited 100
5 5,000 - 9,999 * unlimited * 100 unlimited 80
4 2,500 - 4,999 20 80 40 100 unlimited 80
3 1,000 - 2,499 15 60 30 100 unlimited 60
2 250 - 999 10 40 20 100 unlimited 40
1 1 - 249 5 20 10 10 0 20

Points Table
Action Points
Begin participating on Yahoo! Answers One Time: 100
Ask a question -5
Choose a best answer for your question 3
No Best Answer was selected by voters on your question Points Returned: 5
Answer a question 2
Deleting an answer -2
Log in to Yahoo! Answers Once daily: 1
Vote for an answer 1
Vote for No best answer 0
Have your answer selected as the best answer 10
Receive a "thumbs-up" rating on a best answer that you wrote (up to 50 thumbs-up are counted) 1 per "thumbs-up"

I will most likely eventually post video demonstrations of all of these functions later.

If you have any further questions I can be reached at [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] and at the forum at [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]


Posts : 29
Join date : 2009-12-20

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